Home Manufacturing & Industry AgileAcoustics Delivers Custom AgilePOD#10s for the Met Office’s Innovative WELL Building

AgileAcoustics Delivers Custom AgilePOD#10s for the Met Office’s Innovative WELL Building

AgileAcoustics AgilePOD#10 Acoustic Office Pod

AgileAcoustics, a leading specialist in the design and manufacture of acoustic office pods and workspace acoustic baffles, is thrilled to announce the successful completion of a significant project for the Met Office, a UK Government Department. The project involved the design and installation of nine custom AgilePOD#10 office pods at the Met Office’s state-of-the-art Well Building in Exeter’s Science Park.

The Well Building, a cutting-edge facility equipped with high-tech amenities, including a supercomputer and a structure dedicated to climate change research, required private spaces for focused work. AgileAcoustics’ AgilePOD#10 pods were identified as the ideal solution to meet this need.

The AgileAcoustics team faced a unique challenge as the Met Office’s new building adheres to the WELL Building Standard®, a performance-based system prioritising the well-being and health of its occupants. AgileAcoustics rose to the occasion, making custom modifications to the AgilePOD#10s to align with the WELL Standard’s criteria.

Key enhancements included the introduction of a Co2 Monitor to ensure optimal air quality within the office pods, a technical lighting system designed to deliver 350 lux at dusk level, and the selection of upholstery fabrics that reflect light effectively to create a light and airy atmosphere. The pods also feature unique embroidery to complement the Met Office’s branding.

“We’re delighted with the successful outcome of this project,” said a spokesperson for AgileAcoustics. “It highlights how our range of office pods can be customised and adapted to suit the unique requirements of different workplaces. We’re now developing a brand-new office pod product and look forward to sharing updates soon.”

AgileAcoustics is a specialist in the design and manufacture of acoustic office pods and workspace acoustic baffles. Their innovative range of products, including the AgilePOD, freestanding screens, and bespoke acoustic baffles, are designed to transform workplaces both acoustically and aesthetically. AgileAcoustics’ team designs and creates bespoke acoustic pods in-house at their Yorkshire HQ, supplying hundreds of UK-wide businesses each year.