Home Startups & Entrepreneurship Business Leaders Tackle Ultimate Leadership Programme

Business Leaders Tackle Ultimate Leadership Programme

Nine Yorkshire business leaders are 22 stones lighter thanks to an innovate, holistic leadership course developed by a Harrogate business.

The Ultimate Leadership Programme (ULP) combines effective leadership training with a healthy lifestyle which encompasses both emotional and physical wellbeing.

The seven-month course, which includes individual sessions with a fitness and diet coach, was designed after feedback from Quarterdeck’s clients about what the industry was missing.

Quarterdeck provide high level, effective leadership training with clients including Asda, The Co-op, Investec and Hermes as well as many SMEs and smaller partnerships.

Laura Bouttell, MD of Quarterdeck explains: “Some of our long-term clients have asked us to support them in areas that traditional leadership programmes don’t cover – lifestyle habits to do with health and fitness.

“With people living longer and retiring later new threats to leadership are emerging. Being ill, whether that’s mentally or physically, and having to take time off work is an incredible fear for business owners and managers.

“Everyone wants to ensure their business is a success, but this shouldn’t come at the sacrifice of your own health. Working long hours with extensive workloads affects our physical and mental health and negatively impacts our business performance.”

The course comes at a time when research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel Directors (CIPD) found that the number of people suffering from mental health problems at work has risen from a quarter to a third over the past five years, with less than one in 10 of UK organisations having a standalone wellbeing strategy.

Laura adds: “Numerous studies link the effects that work and lifestyles have on each other and our course works to perfect your leadership skills whilst getting fit, losing excess fat and have a mental resilience that few others achieve.

“Businesses should take a preventative approach and instil a workplace culture which supports employee well-being. It is fundamental to have strong leadership support which showcases and champions a healthy workplace.”