Home Manufacturing & Industry Mechan signs five year deal with Hitachi Rail

Mechan signs five year deal with Hitachi Rail

Heavy lifting equipment specialist, Mechan, has secured an exclusive maintenance contract with Hitachi Rail.

The Sheffield-based manufacturer negotiated a five-year agreement to service the products it supplied to the Hitachi Rail facilities as part of the Intercity Express Programme (IEP).

Mechan’s contract covers regular maintenance visits and 24-hour breakdown assistance at the North Pole depot in West London, Stoke Gifford near Bristol and the recently completed facility at Doncaster. It will be taking care of bespoke equipment drops at all three locations, 80 lifting jacks, which operate in two sets of 40 and two bogie turntables.

Lindsey Mills, Mechan’s sales manager, said: “Hitachi Rail’s commitment to this contract is a real step forward, demonstrating a desire to centralise work with suppliers and promote consistency between manufacture and maintenance, rather than leaving each depot to its own devices. From our perspective, it allows us to structure our service team to meet demand and ensure our equipment is operating efficiently at all times.”

As part of its contract with Hitachi Rail, Mechan will also be responsible for servicing the fume extraction systems at the train maintenance centres. They were supplied by Blaschke, for whom the firm is the sole representative for the UK and Ireland.