Home Marketing & PR The Rise of AI: Friend or Foe to SEO?

The Rise of AI: Friend or Foe to SEO?

Bluehoop Digital
Bluehoop Digital

Artificial intelligence and SEO – friends or foes? That’s the question on every digital marketer’s mind these days, according to Gareth Lisle, Director of Bluehoop Digital. In this article, Gareth examines the impact of AI on search engine optimisation and whether it’s enhancing the practice rather than making it obsolete. Read on to find out how savvy SEO professionals can harness the power of AI to boost Google search rankings and drive more customers to their websites.

Search engine optimisation or SEO has long been a vital marketing strategy for businesses who want to rank as highly as possible in search results, whilst also driving traffic to their websites. You’d have to have been living under a rock to have missed the emergence of AI which has made a rapid and very noisy entrance into the world of marketing. As a result, some are now questioning whether AI means SEO will become obsolete in an increasingly tech-driven landscape. The straightforward answer is yes; there’s no doubt that SEO is still a highly important tool in any digital marketer’s arsenal. Nevertheless, best practice and techniques are evolving to ensure SEO strategies keep pace with changes powered by AI in search algorithms.

It’s worth bearing in mind that in many ways, it can be argued that AI has helped to refine and enhance SEO, rather than making it obsolete. Google and other search engines now use machine learning and neutral networks to provide a better insight into the user intent which lies behind every search query. This enables search engines to deliver results which are not only more relevant, but are also personal to every unique search. Furthermore, AI also helps to identify patterns and anomalies, shining a searchlight onto shady SEO tactics such as keyword stuffing which try to outwit the algorithm. As a result, AI technology is helping search engines to maintain the integrity of results.

So what does this mean for marketers? In simple terms, AI means that whilst SEO is still about targeting important keywords, it’s also about placing more focus upon the human behind the search. In other words, engaging, high-quality content which answers questions and solves problems is where it’s at. Not only has AI raised the bar, but its arrival has also meant that SEO practices such as optimising pages for loading speed, using alt text for images, and structured content for on-site SEO are still as important as they’ve always been.

In addition, AI is now playing a hugely important role in SEO software and tools. AI is incorporated into many platforms to track rankings, provide domain authority metrics, perform technical audits and generate reports designed to help inform SEO strategy. These tools and software also work away behind the scenes analysing incredible volumes of data which we could never hope to compile manually. This means that AI technology is enhancing productivity for SEO professionals through the automation of mundane and time-consuming tasks.

Be that as it may, AI can never be a substitute for old-fashion human creativity and ingenuity in SEO. Although search algorithms might continue to evolve at what seems like lightning speed, the expertise of humans is still essential when it comes to interpreting trends and signals. There might come a day when AI can produce content that is truly better than the smartest human but until that time, the unique added value that humans bring through content strategy and audience understanding is invaluable.

A combination of automation and human insight are becoming the two main ingredients in the most effective modern SEO strategies. Although AI keeps the tools in an SEO marketer’s belt, it isn’t a magic bullet. Strategic optimisation still needs to adapt to the latest best practices, whilst concentrating on providing great content and the very best user experience. So for businesses, AI’s arrival does not mean that SEO is any less important than it was before. It simply means embracing the change and looking upon SEO as an evolving, rather than static, discipline.

SEO marketers who maintain current AI-driven search updates, use tools fuelled by data and keep focussed upon audience-centric optimisation strategies will reap the biggest reward. Sure, SEO looks a little different from what it did a decade ago during the heyday of keyword targeting. However, it’s just as important as it ever was – even in the age of AI – for any brand that wants to rank well and drive organic visibility. When combined with the creativity of humans, AI looks set to enhance the value of SEO, rather than tarnish it. This makes the symbiotic potential clear for those brands willing to adapt and make the most of all that AI has to offer.