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Yorkshire Mum Who Quit Her Job After Watching The Apprentice Becomes Number 1 Best Selling Author

Before the year drew to a close Huddersfield businesswoman and mum of 2 young children Rebecca Lockwood wanted to add a final achievement to what has been an incredible 12 months for her. Having had a baby, grown her business whilst working 2 days a week and having supported thousands of other businesswomen through her online community, she now adds the accolade of having become a No.1 bestselling author as her debut book soared on the Amazon best seller charts.

‘My Time is Now, Yes I Can! – The Female’s Handbook: Step in to your Personal Potential’ found itself sitting ahead of marketing genius Seth Godin in Hot New Releases for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Rebecca, 28, an award winning NLP Mindset Coach quit her job on the back of watching the apprentice a few years ago, after the winner was revealed to be 22, the age she was at the time -there and then she identified her mission to make a million by the time she is 30. Her business The Female Entrepreneurs Network, enables her to also help others achieve their version of success. With a successful sales career spanning the last 10 years Rebecca now uses her own experience and expertise to educate and empower other female entrepreneurs who feel stuck, overwhelmed or stagnated and the book has been developed to help others who are feeling overwhelmed, or who are desperate to make a change.

Tapping into the power of NLP and some of the self care practices she has incorporated into her own life Rebecca is keen to share the power of such approaches.

Suffering from post-natal depression after the birth of her first child, Rebecca stumbled across NLP when she started doing some personal development work on her own mindset and describes the experience as ‘an awakening’.

Rebecca has been in sales, enterprising her own business ideas since she was 17 and is a huge believer in ‘taking action on your biggest boldest dreams’. At 19 she was earning 30k selling broadband door-to-door and by 20 she was managing her own sales force. This job is what gave her an entrepreneurial spark but it hasn’t always been a success story for her.

Running a shopping party business in her early twenties she experienced rapid growth and was accepted on the Entrepreneurial Spark programme however hitting burnout after having her first baby experiencing post natal depression, whilst still trying to work 24/7 led to her reluctantly re-entering employment. It was here as she was working to develop her team she discovered NLP Guru Tony Robbins and that was the start of her next chapter. With her new-found knowledge Rebecca worked on her limiting beliefs and anxiety and began moving past these blocks. When she completed her NLP Coaching Training Rebecca felt that she began to experience life in a new light and also felt a shift from her post-natal depression. She didn’t realise at the time, but now understands that when she closed her business back in 2016 it was due to her limiting beliefs.

Winner of Jacqueline Gold Women in Business Award, Rebecca now runs her own Mindset Coaching business, doubling her salary in just four months and getting financial freedom for herself and her family, whilst only working 2 days per week.

She said of the book: “I have created this handbook as a tool to support women to step into their personal potential, after meeting thousands of women through my business, The Female Entrepreneur’s Network, who just don’t believe in themselves. Whatever your dream – Making more money, to travel the world, to support your family, to build a successful business that gives you the freedom and entrepreneur lifestyle you dream of, this handbook will support you.”

Full of practical tips the book really is a handbook that readers work through step by step, working through exercises week but week, month by month. A key element of the book is that the reader can create their own 90 day Personal Potential Routine, intended to help remove the fears, breakthrough limiting beliefs and provide motivation to help bridge the gap between the current life they are living and the one they desire. This practical guidance alongside positive motivation from Rebecca throughout provides a supportive tone throughout.

Rebecca is full of gratitude about her book’s instant success. She said: “I am so taken aback by the response this has had. I have had this book in me for a while now but I actually wrote it within 2 weeks! I was just inspired to get my knowledge down on paper and get it out there to help as many women as I could, and it was important to me to launch it before Christmas as I know this time of year is when many people reflect on their year and feel down-heartened that it didn’t live up to expectations or their grand plans. My message to them is that it’s not too late – you can change your mindset now to prepare you for a stronger end to 2018 and for a 2019 that you can get really excited about. I hope that some of my experience and teachings can act as a Christmas gift to any women out there who feel they need a pick me up, so they can dust themselves down and get back up fighting for a fantastic 2019”.

“From my community, I know there are so many women out there who are going through elements of what I did when I hit my dark times and wondering how they were going to find their way in life. I want them to see that there is a way and that they can make a change. This book is for any woman who may have have lost confidence in themselves and their goals and really don’t know where to turn. I have techniques that can help them!”

Covering subjects such as limiting beliefs, life evaluation, journalling, gratitudes and personal motivation, ‘My Time is Now, Yes I Can!’ combines real life experiences with practical exercises and a strong focus on mindset to help the reader identify their own feelings and work through them during challenges they are facing.

Questions Rebecca asks the reader to consider include:-

Who do I want to be known as?
What is important about your career/life?
What are your top values?
What are my ultimate scary goals?
What will my life look like if I achieve those?