Home Business Events Getting To Grips With BNG For Developers & Planning Consultants

Getting To Grips With BNG For Developers & Planning Consultants

CSX Team Members Surveying In The Field

CSX, the leading experts in BNG, Carbon & natural capital management are hosting a series of BNG (biodiversity net gain) specific seminars for planning consultants, developers and architects. Kicking off in Leeds on 30th January, the CSX team will be explaining some of the key considerations for delivering BNG practically.

Biodiversity net gain (BNG) is now going live for new developments going through the planning system, ensuring that in the future all significant new building will improve natural habitats. BNG makes sure a development has a measurable positive impact (‘net gain’) on biodiversity and the natural world, compared to what was there before the development. Under the Government’s new rules, developers must deliver a biodiversity net gain of 10% that can be attributed to the project. This means a development will result in more or better quality natural habitat, either on-site or off-site in an alternative location, than there was before the development started.

These CSX hosted seminars are a ‘must attend’ event as the rules and regulations surrounding BNG are becoming mandatory in England under the Town and Country Planning Act and the Environment Act.

The seminars will introduce BNG, address the legal challenges, look at how local planning authorities are approaching BNG and the associated practicalities of delivering BNG on the ground in real-world scenarios. The seminar will round off with an expert Q&A session.

This is an exciting and unique opportunity for the CSX team to share their knowledge and expertise with a core, local professional Planning Consultants, Developers and Architects.

These morning seminars are completely free to attend, however you must register with the event coordinator Megan Russell on 01609 786655 to confirm your attendance.

“There is plenty of information out there about BNG, but unfortunately not all of it is as accurate as it could or should be! Our quest at CSX is to bring absolute clarity to the topic by providing all BNG participants, both demand side developers and supply side farmers and
landowners, with accurate and clear information they can rely upon. CSX has built an equitable and efficient system for delivering on BNG matters, and our seminars are an ideal way for professionals to gain the knowledge they need”.
Andy Howard, CEO of CSX

The CSX BNG morning seminar takes place on Tuesday 30th January 2024 at The Directors Suite, Headingley Stadium, Leeds LS6 3BR.