Home Business Awards & Achievements Timeless Truths For Young and Old As Pandemic Recovery Sees Mental Health...

Timeless Truths For Young and Old As Pandemic Recovery Sees Mental Health Increases

An award winning business woman has released two books with the aim of supporting people in the community of all ages, that boost, support and allow people of the world to see their true potentials.

‘Bola Oyelakin is the exceptional author of “You Need To Know” and “You Are Too Loaded to Fail”. Here, Anna Toms, reviews both books and their merits in today’s extraordinary challenges:

“Aimed at professionals and business people, “You Are Too Loaded To Fail” is a handbook on finding your best self and overcoming mediocrity. It encourages people to remember that they are too loaded with good things to fail at life.

“The pocket sized book is ideal for carrying, for dipping into at any time of need. The book is not only motivating, it encourages deep questioning of yourself in a positive light, helping see a clearer future.

“Covering topics on beating low self esteem, inferiority and anxiety, the books theme is a simple truth that everyone has something to offer. Yes there are religious mentions, but this book goes further than preaching that God has a plan. It’s an encourager to find your own driver and belief, a motivator in understanding the only time you fail, is when you give up trying.

“One of the most useful parts of the book which I personally kept returning to read was the success principles. Words such as discovery, diligence, positive, develop, persistence and giving illiterate the chapter and raise a true feeling of wellbeing and determination for the reader. I nodded in agreement throughout reading the pitfalls to avoid and looked deep inside myself for the excuses to failure, realising a lot about my own behaviour.

“As a business person this book could change your philosophy. It could raise you up, refocus you and help you move past doubt. It will be an enjoyable read and I defy it not to resonate on some level with everyone.

“’Bola’s next book, “You Need to Know” is pegged as must-read for every young person. It claims to share Timeless Truths and support personal development. As a mother to someone in the audience for this book, I was keen to see how the motivation structure differed from ‘Bola’s more adult offering.

“My favourite part of this book is the ‘stop-gap’ pages as I call them. The pages that ask just questions. ‘Bola has referred to them as Think About It pages. They are thought provoking without being unnecessarily deep, perfect for the teenage mind.

““You Need To Know” moves between being a series of lessons in a handbook, to being a journal, encouraging the reader to apply their own life to what they have just learnt.

“No stone is left unturned, from personal grooming, relationships, sex, self esteem, making things happen with good time planning and even goal setting. Even though ‘Bola is Nigerian and one of the chapters is aimed at the youth of her home country, the content of the rest of the book is, in my opinion, very apt to all young people across the UK. I believe it could help many who at the moment are struggling with the changes we have all had to adapt to in 2020.

“Well written, with easy to read balanced content, I would recommend both of ‘Bola’s debut books. I also understand there is a new book in the offing, and I look forward to having the pleasure of reading that too.”

‘Bola’s books are available on Amazon.