Home Appointments & Contracts Leeds job availability up by 19%

Leeds job availability up by 19%

Job opportunities in Leeds are seeing a positive start to the year with the March 2015 Leeds Recruitment Index recording a 19% month-on-month increase in job availability compared to February 2015.

Stan Murray-Hession, Director of Venn Group, commented:
“Leeds has had an unequivocally strong start to the year, with impressive increases in employment activity and strong sector growth. In particular, the legal sector is experiencing a boom and many firms are struggling to find contracting talent to fill the amount of positions that are opening up. As a result, contractors such as conveyancing locums are being booked up to six months in advance of vacancies arising, a trend that hasn’t been seen for at least six years.

There has also been unprecedented demand for financial professionals, attributable partly to the financial year end which saw a sharp incline of accountancy positions emerge from sectors as varied as leisure to business services.”

Contractors’ rates climb in March 2015

The average rate for those securing jobs in March 2015 was 16% higher than those recorded in February 2015, with contractors now receiving an average of £250 per day across the region. This can be attributed, in part, to a shortage of available professionals in a number of arenas, particularly within the legal sector.

Stan Murray-Hession continued:
“The region looks set to benefit from a number of projects in the coming months, particularly Generation NE, a collaboration of six business advisors and five local authorities intending to support the community’s SMEs by greatly increasing employment opportunities for up to 2,000 17 to 24 year olds. A £4.5m investment has been made into the scheme which will target both organisations and individuals and champion the use of the younger workforce within business. With the region working to maximise its potential workforce, the future looks bright for Leeds.”

Venn Group is the UK’s only specialist contract recruiter for organisations within the public and private sectors. www.venngroup.com